DCHS November Students of the Month
Treshun Watson
Samariel Glenn
Carrington Newell
Cole Horner
Taylar Riggs
Matthew Parker
Reagan Thompson
Jenna Robbins
Jon Mark Castleman
Sarah Isbell
Morgan McDaniel
Kaleb Petty

ACT dates

Daily Announcements
November 28, 2018
There will be a Dyersburg State Community College Representative here today during lunch to visit with any interested students and answer college related questions.
There will be a HOSA meeting, for students competing at Regionals, this Friday immediately after school in room 3013. For more information, please contact Mrs. Flagg: Malissaflagg@dcchoctaws.net
If you are planning to take Clinical Internship or Nursing Education in the Spring, please see Mrs. Flagg in room 3010 ASAP.
The Boy’s Soccer team will be conditioning today and tomorrow from 3:30-5:15. You must have a physical in order to participate.
The DCHS Band is hosting a “Milk and Cookies with Santa” on Saturday, December 1st from 9am-3pm. This event will feature an Arts and Crafts Festival, as well as, pictures with Santa in the DCHS commons. Children and adults of all ages are invited to attend.
The Dyer County Fair Sorghum Valley Christmas will be held at the Fairgrounds on December 6th-9th from 6-9pm each night. Everyone is invited to come out for a night of holiday cheer!
Any 9th, 10th, or 11th grade student that would like to know their practice ACT score can see Mrs. Lorri Riddick in the Library.
Any student who is planning on going to the DSCC campus for classes next semester needs to see Mrs. McCall to register and pick up paperwork. For more information, please contact Mrs. McCall: WillaMccall@dcchoctaws.net
ASVAB testing has been rescheduled for December 5th. Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors interested in taking the ASVAB can continue to sign up in the Guidance Office. This test is a great resource for students that are interested in measuring their developed abilities while also predicting future academic and occupational success. For any questions, please contact the JROTC instructors: NickeyCantrell@dcchoctaws.net or jameslacy@dcchoctaws.net
Yearbooks are still on sale for $75. You can order before school or at break in the concession stand; you can also order online at yearbookforever.com. For any questions, please contact the Yearbook Sponsor, Mr. Hooper: danielhooper@dcchoctaws.net
Any junior or senior student that is not currently taking a Dual Enrollment course through DSCC, but are planning to take a Dual Enrollment course next spring need to see Mrs. Willa McCall asap to fill out an application. For any questions, please contact: WillaMcCall@dcchoctaws.net
Seniors: If you have not had your senior meeting with Ms. Natalie in Guidance, please make an appointment in your Class of 2019 Google Classroom. Please remember to get permission from your teacher. For any questions, please contact Natalie Medling: nataliemedling@dcchoctaws.net
A reminder that the PBIS store is open in the library on Monday and Wednesday mornings and afternoons. Download the PBIS Student Rewards App to check your point balance and store inventory. If you haven't received your PBIS ID card please see your 1st period teacher, they can report needed cards to the library.
Dyer County High School, let’s be our best and do our best every day!

Daily Announcements
November 16, 2018
Progress reports went home on Tuesday and are supposed to be signed by parent/guardians and turned back in to 1st period teachers ASAP.
The Choctaws Basketball team will play at home tonight vs. McNairy Central beginning at 6:00 PM. Make plans to come out and support the Choctaws!
Any student that was supposed to have detention yesterday, please come to the office to reschedule or it will automatically be moved to the Tuesday after Thanksgiving break.
Any 9th, 10th, or 11th grader who would like to know their practice ACT score can see Mrs. Lori Reddick in the library.
Seniors: there is still a few ad spaces left in the back of the yearbook. For any questions, please contact the Yearbook Sponsor, Mr. Hooper: danielhooper@dcchoctaws.net
Any student who is planning on going to the DSCC campus for classes next semester needs to go see Mrs. McCall to register and pick up paperwork. For more information, please contact Mrs. McCall: WillaMccall@dcchoctaws.net
ASVAB testing has been rescheduled for December 5th. Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors interested in taking the ASVAB can continue to sign up in the Guidance Office. This test is a great resource for students that are interested in measuring their developed abilities while also predicting future academic and occupational success. For any questions, please contact the JROTC instructors: NickeyCantrell@dcchoctaws.net or jameslacy@dcchoctaws.net
Seniors: Dyersburg State is offering a “Learning How to Succeed” college course at DCHS in the spring semester during 1st block on Tuesdays and Thursdays. To be eligible, students can not have missed more than 6 days of school or have any discipline incidents higher than a detention during this semester . This class will be FREE for students that have NOT ALREADY used any Dual Enrollment funds. If you are interested, please fill out the form on your google classroom. This class will be filled on first come, first serve basis. Please contact Mrs. Jennifer Ray for more information: Jenniferray@dcchoctaws.net
Seniors: UTM will be offering a Psych 101 course at DCHS in the spring semester on Mondays and Wednesdays during 5th block. To be eligible, students can not have missed more than 6 days of school or have any discipline incidents higher than a detention during this semester . This class will be FREE for students on their 4th Dual Enrollment grant. If you are interested, please fill out the form on your google classroom. Please contact Mrs. Jennifer Ray for more information: Jenniferray@dcchoctaws.net
Yearbooks are still on sale. You can order before school or at break in the concession stand; you can also order online at yearbookforever.com. For any questions, please contact the Yearbook Sponsor, Mr. Hooper: danielhooper@dcchoctaws.net
Any junior or senior student that is not currently taking a Dual Enrollment course through DSCC, but are planning to take a Dual Enrollment course next spring need to see Mrs. Willa McCall asap to fill out an application. For any questions, please contact: WillaMcCall@dcchoctaws.net
Seniors: If you have not had your senior meeting with Ms. Natalie in Guidance, please make an appointment in your Class of 2019 Google Classroom. Please remember to get permission from your teacher. For any questions, please contact Natalie Medling: nataliemedling@dcchoctaws.net
Boy’s Soccer conditioning will begin November 13th, 14th, and 15th from 3:30-5pm. Students must bring a current sports physical in order to participate. For any questions, please contact Coach Williams: Codywilliams@dcchoctaws.net
Any student interested in taking AP Computer Science Principles next semester needs to stop by the the Guidance Office asap.
A reminder that the PBIS store is open in the library on Monday and Wednesday mornings and afternoons. Download the PBIS Student Rewards App to check your point balance and store inventory. If you haven't received your PBIS ID card please see your 1st period teacher, they can report needed cards to the library.
Dyer County High School, let’s be our best and do our best every day!

The Dyer County Schools and Dyersburg City Schools will be closed on Thursday, November 15, 2018.

Daily Announcements
November 14, 2018
School will be dismissed today at 1:00 PM today due to the forecasted weather conditions. All after-school activities scheduled for today have been cancelled.
The Choctaws Basketball team will play at home Friday, November 16th vs. McNairy Central. Make plans to come out and support the Choctaws!
Any 9th, 10th, or 11th grader who would like to know their practice ACT score can see Mrs. Lori Reddick in the library.
Seniors: there is still a few ad spaces left in the back of the yearbook. For any questions, please contact the Yearbook Sponsor, Mr. Hooper: danielhooper@dcchoctaws.net
There will be a representative from Mississippi State here on Thursday during lunch to speak with any interested students.
Seniors: Don't forget FAFSA Frenzy Night is this Thursday, from 5-8 in the Library. If you still need help filling out the FAFSA, you and your parent or guardian will need to bring your 2017 taxes, W2 forms, and chromebook for experts to help you.
Any student who is planning on going to the DSCC campus for classes next semester needs to go see Mrs. McCall to register and pick up paperwork. For more information, please contact Mrs. McCall: WillaMccall@dcchoctaws.net
ASVAB testing has been rescheduled for December 5th. Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors interested in taking the ASVAB can continue to sign up in the Guidance Office. This test is a great resource for students that are interested in measuring their developed abilities while also predicting future academic and occupational success. For any questions, please contact the JROTC instructors: NickeyCantrell@dcchoctaws.net or jameslacy@dcchoctaws.net
Seniors: Dyersburg State is offering a “Learning How to Succeed” college course at DCHS in the spring semester during 1st block on Tuesdays and Thursdays. To be eligible, students can not have missed more than 6 days of school or have any discipline incidents higher than a detention during this semester . This class will be FREE for students that have NOT ALREADY used any Dual Enrollment funds. If you are interested, please fill out the form on your google classroom. This class will be filled on first come, first serve basis. Please contact Mrs. Jennifer Ray for more information: Jenniferray@dcchoctaws.net
Seniors: UTM will be offering a Psych 101 course at DCHS in the spring semester on Mondays and Wednesdays during 5th block. To be eligible, students can not have missed more than 6 days of school or have any discipline incidents higher than a detention during this semester . This class will be FREE for students on their 4th Dual Enrollment grant. If you are interested, please fill out the form on your google classroom. Please contact Mrs. Jennifer Ray for more information: Jenniferray@dcchoctaws.net
Yearbooks are still on sale for $75. You can order before school or at break in the concession stand; you can also order online at yearbookforever.com. For any questions, please contact the Yearbook Sponsor, Mr. Hooper: danielhooper@dcchoctaws.net
Any junior or senior student that is not currently taking a Dual Enrollment course through DSCC, but are planning to take a Dual Enrollment course next spring need to see Mrs. Willa McCall asap to fill out an application. For any questions, please contact: WillaMcCall@dcchoctaws.net
Seniors: If you have not had your senior meeting with Ms. Natalie in Guidance, please make an appointment in your Class of 2019 Google Classroom. Please remember to get permission from your teacher. For any questions, please contact Natalie Medling: nataliemedling@dcchoctaws.net
Boy’s Soccer conditioning will begin November 13th, 14th, and 15th from 3:30-5pm. Students must bring a current sports physical in order to participate. For any questions, please contact Coach Williams: Codywilliams@dcchoctaws.net
Any student interested in taking AP Computer Science Principles next semester needs to stop by the the Guidance Office asap.
A reminder that the PBIS store is open in the library on Monday and Wednesday mornings and afternoons. Download the PBIS Student Rewards App to check your point balance and store inventory. If you haven't received your PBIS ID card please see your 1st period teacher, they can report needed cards to the library.
Dyer County High School, let’s be our best and do our best every day!

All Dyer County schools will be dismissed at today at 1pm.

Daily Announcements
November 12, 2018
Drama Club will have a meeting after school today from 3-4pm for all club members. If you are unable to attend, please see Mr. Yarbrough during break on Tuesday, November 13th. For more information, please contact Mr. Yarbrough: trevoryarbrough@dcchoctaws.net
There will be a Quiz Bowl meeting today in the library from 3:15-4:30.
There will be a representative from Mississippi State here on Thursday during lunch to speak with any interested students.
Seniors: Don't forget FAFSA Frenzy Night is this Thursday, from 5-8 in the Library. If you still need help filling out the FAFSA, you and your parent or guardian will need to bring your 2017 taxes, W2 forms, and chromebook for experts to help you.
Any student who is planning on going to the DSCC campus for classes next semester needs to go see Mrs. McCall to register and pick up paperwork. For more information, please contact Mrs. McCall: WillaMccall@dcchoctaws.net
Any third or fourth year FFA member who would like to apply for their State Degree, needs to sign up for an informational meeting with an advisor asap.
ASVAB testing has been rescheduled for December 5th. Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors interested in taking the ASVAB can continue to sign up in the Guidance Office. This test is a great resource for students that are interested in measuring their developed abilities while also predicting future academic and occupational success. For any questions, please contact the JROTC instructors: NickeyCantrell@dcchoctaws.net or jameslacy@dcchoctaws.net
The Choctaws and Lady Choctaws will kick off their season tomorrow at DCHS as they host Lexington High School. We will also play at home Friday, November 16th vs. McNairy Central. Make plans to come out and support the Choctaws!
Seniors: Dyersburg State is offering a “Learning How to Succeed” college course at DCHS in the spring semester during 1st block on Tuesdays and Thursdays. To be eligible, students can not have missed more than 6 days of school or have any discipline incidents higher than a detention during this semester . This class will be FREE for students that have NOT ALREADY used any Dual Enrollment funds. If you are interested, please fill out the form on your google classroom. This class will be filled on first come, first serve basis. Please contact Mrs. Jennifer Ray for more information: Jenniferray@dcchoctaws.net
Seniors: UTM will be offering a Psych 101 course at DCHS in the spring semester on Mondays and Wednesdays during 5th block. To be eligible, students can not have missed more than 6 days of school or have any discipline incidents higher than a detention during this semester . This class will be FREE for students on their 4th Dual Enrollment grant. If you are interested, please fill out the form on your google classroom. Please contact Mrs. Jennifer Ray for more information: Jenniferray@dcchoctaws.net
Yearbooks are still on sale for $75. You can order before school or at break in the concession stand; you can also order online at yearbookforever.com. For any questions, please contact the Yearbook Sponsor, Mr. Hooper: danielhooper@dcchoctaws.net
Any junior or senior student that is not currently taking a Dual Enrollment course through DSCC, but are planning to take a Dual Enrollment course next spring need to see Mrs. Willa McCall asap to fill out an application. For any questions, please contact: WillaMcCall@dcchoctaws.net
Seniors: If you have not had your senior meeting with Ms. Natalie in Guidance, please make an appointment in your Class of 2019 Google Classroom. Please remember to get permission from your teacher. For any questions, please contact Natalie Medling: nataliemedling@dcchoctaws.net
Boy’s Soccer conditioning will begin November 13th, 14th, and 15th from 3:30-5pm. Students must bring a current sports physical in order to participate. For any questions, please contact Coach Williams: Codywilliams@dcchoctaws.net
Any student interested in taking AP Computer Science Principles next semester needs to stop by the the Guidance Office asap.
A reminder that the PBIS store is open in the library on Monday and Wednesday mornings and afternoons. Download the PBIS Student Rewards App to check your point balance and store inventory. If you haven't received your PBIS ID card please see your 1st period teacher, they can report needed cards to the library.
Dyer County High School, let’s be our best and do our best every day!

Daily Announcements
November 9, 2018
The Drama Club will have a meeting after school on Monday, November 12th from 3-4pm for all club members. If you are unable to attend, please see Mr. Yarbrough during break on Tuesday, November 13th. For more information, please contact Mr. Yarbrough: trevoryarbrough@dcchoctaws.net
Any student who is planning on going to the DSCC campus for classes next semester needs to go see Mrs. McCall to register and pick up paperwork. For more information, please contact Mrs. McCall: WillaMccall@dcchoctaws.net
Any third or fourth year FFA member who would like to apply for their State Degree, needs to sign up for an informational meeting with an advisor asap.
ASVAB testing has been rescheduled for December 5th. Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors interested in taking the ASVAB can continue to sign up in the Guidance Office. This test is a great resource for students that are interested in measuring their developed abilities while also predicting future academic and occupational success. For any questions, please contact the JROTC instructors: NickeyCantrell@dcchoctaws.net or jameslacy@dcchoctaws.net
The Choctaws and Lady Choctaws Basketball team will compete at the Peabody Jamboree this Saturday at Peabody High School. The girls play at 4:30pm and the boys play at 5:15pm. You may see a Lady Choctaw for $5 tickets. Jamboree schedules are available in the front office.
The Choctaws and Lady Choctaws will kick off their season next Tuesday, November 13th, at DCHS as they host Lexington High School. We will also play at home Friday, November 16th Vs. McNairy Central. Make plans to come out and support the Choctaws!
Seniors: Dyersburg State is offering a “Learning How to Succeed” college course at DCHS in the spring semester during 1st block on Tuesdays and Thursdays. To be eligible, students can not have missed more than 6 days of school or have any discipline incidents higher than a detention during this semester . This class will be FREE for students that have NOT ALREADY used any Dual Enrollment funds. If you are interested, please fill out the form on your google classroom. This class will be filled on first come, first serve basis. Please contact Mrs. Jennifer Ray for more information: Jenniferray@dcchoctaws.net
Seniors: UTM will be offering a Psych 101 course at DCHS in the spring semester on Mondays and Wednesdays,during 5th block. To be eligible, students can not have missed more than 6 days of school or have any discipline incidents higher than a detention during this semester . This class will be FREE for students on their 4th Dual Enrollment grant. If you are interested, please fill out the form on your google classroom. Please contact Mrs. Ray for more information: Jenniferray@dcchoctaws.net
Yearbooks are still on sale for $75. You can order before school or at break in the concession stand; you can also order online at yearbookforever.com. For any questions, please contact the Yearbook Sponsor, Mr. Hooper: danielhooper@dcchoctaws.net
Any junior or senior student that is not currently taking a Dual Enrollment course through DSCC, but are planning to take a Dual Enrollment course next spring need to see Mrs. Willa McCall asap to fill out an application. For any questions, please contact: WillaMcCall@dcchoctaws.net
Seniors: If you have not had your senior meeting with Ms. Natalie in Guidance, please make an appointment in your Class of 2019 Google Classroom. Please remember to get permission from your teacher. For any questions, please contact Natalie Medling: nataliemedling@dcchoctaws.net
Boy’s Soccer conditioning will begin November 13th, 14th, and 15th from 3:30-5pm. Students must bring a current sports physical in order to participate. For any questions, please contact Coach Williams: Codywilliams@dcchoctaws.net
Any student interested in taking AP Computer Science Principles next semester needs to stop by the the Guidance Office asap.
A reminder that the PBIS store is open in the library on Monday and Wednesday mornings and afternoons. Download the PBIS Student Rewards App to check your point balance and store inventory. If you haven't received your PBIS ID card please see your 1st period teacher, they can report needed cards to the library.
Dyer County High School, let’s be our best and do our best every day!

Daily Announcements
November 8, 2018
PINS club will be meeting after school today in room 1015 to finish painting boxes and shooting a video. All members who have been working on both projects need to attend. For more information, please contact Todd Ross: Toddross@dcchoctaws.net
A representative from UT-Knoxville will be here during lunch today to answer any questions about the college-going process for any interested students.
Any student who is planning on going to the DSCC campus for classes next semester needs to go see Mrs. McCall to register and pick up paperwork. For more information, please contact Mrs. McCall: WillaMccall@dcchoctaws.net
ASVAB testing has been rescheduled for December 5th. Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors interested in taking the ASVAB can continue to sign up in the Guidance Office. This test is a great resource for students that are interested in measuring their developed abilities while also predicting future academic and occupational success. For any questions, please contact the JROTC instructors: NickeyCantrell@dcchoctaws.net or jameslacy@dcchoctaws.net
The Choctaws and Lady Choctaws Basketball team will compete at the Peabody Jamboree this Saturday at Peabody High School. The girls play at 4:30pm and the boys play at 5:15pm. You may see a Lady Choctaw for $5 tickets. Jamboree schedules are available in the front office.
The Choctaws and Lady Choctaws will kick off their season next Tuesday, November 13th, at DCHS as they host Lexington High School. We will also play at home Friday, November 16th Vs. McNairy Central. Make plans to come out and support the Choctaws!
Seniors: Dyersburg State is offering a “Learning How to Succeed” college course at DCHS in the spring semester during 1st block on Tuesdays and Thursdays. To be eligible, students can not have missed more than 6 days of school or have any discipline incidents higher than a detention during this semester . This class will be FREE for students that have NOT ALREADY used any Dual Enrollment funds. If you are interested, please fill out the form on your google classroom. This class will be filled on first come, first serve basis. Please contact Mrs. Jennifer Ray for more information: Jenniferray@dcchoctaws.net
Seniors: UTM will be offering a Psych 101 course at DCHS in the spring semester on Mondays and Wednesdays,during 5th block. To be eligible, students can not have missed more than 6 days of school or have any discipline incidents higher than a detention during this semester . This class will be FREE for students on their 4th Dual Enrollment grant. If you are interested, please fill out the form on your google classroom. Please contact Mrs. Ray for more information: Jenniferray@dcchoctaws.net
Yearbooks are still on sale for $75. You can order before school or at break in the concession stand; you can also order online at yearbookforever.com. For any questions, please contact the Yearbook Sponsor, Mr. Hooper: danielhooper@dcchoctaws.net
Any junior or senior student that is not currently taking a Dual Enrollment course through DSCC, but are planning to take a Dual Enrollment course next spring need to see Mrs. Willa McCall asap to fill out an application. For any questions, please contact: WillaMcCall@dcchoctaws.net
Seniors: If you have not had your senior meeting with Ms. Natalie in Guidance, please make an appointment in your Class of 2019 Google Classroom. Please remember to get permission from your teacher. For any questions, please contact Natalie Medling: nataliemedling@dcchoctaws.net
Boy’s Soccer conditioning will begin November 13th, 14th, and 15th from 3:30-5pm. Students must bring a current sports physical in order to participate. For any questions, please contact Coach Williams: Codywilliams@dcchoctaws.net
Any student interested in taking AP Computer Science Principles next semester needs to stop by the the Guidance Office asap.
A reminder that the PBIS store is open in the library on Monday and Wednesday mornings and afternoons. Download the PBIS Student Rewards App to check your point balance and store inventory. If you haven't received your PBIS ID card please see your 1st period teacher, they can report needed cards to the library.
Dyer County High School, let’s be our best and do our best every day!

Daily Announcements
November 7, 2018
PINS club will be meeting after school tomorrow in room 1015 to finish painting boxes and shooting a video. All members who have been working on both projects need to attend. For more information, please contact Todd Ross: Toddross@dcchoctaws.net
A representative from UT-Knoxville will be here tomorrow during lunch to answer any questions about the college-going process for any interested students.
ASVAB testing has been postponed. The make-up date will be announced at a later time. Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors interested in taking the ASVAB can continue to sign up in the Guidance Office. This test is a great resource for students that are interested in measuring their developed abilities while also predicting future academic and occupational success. For any questions, please contact the JROTC instructors: NickeyCantrell@dcchoctaws.net or jameslacy@dcchoctaws.net
The Choctaws and Lady Choctaws Basketball team will compete at the Peabody Jamboree this Saturday at Peabody High School. The girls play at 4:30pm and the boys play at 5:15pm. You may see a Lady Choctaw for $5 tickets. Jamboree schedules are available in the front office.
The Choctaws and Lady Choctaws will kick off their season next Tuesday, November 13th, at DCHS as they host Lexington High School. We will also play at home Friday, November 16th Vs. McNairy Central. Make plans to come out and support the Choctaws!
Seniors: Dyersburg State is offering a “Learning How to Succeed” college course at DCHS in the spring semester during 1st block on Tuesdays and Thursdays. To be eligible, students can not have missed more than 6 days of school or have any discipline incidents higher than a detention during this semester . This class will be FREE for students that have NOT ALREADY used any Dual Enrollment funds. If you are interested, please fill out the form on your google classroom. This class will be filled on first come, first serve basis. Please contact Mrs. Jennifer Ray for more information: Jenniferray@dcchoctaws.net
Seniors: UTM will be offering a Psych 101 course at DCHS in the spring semester on Mondays and Wednesdays,during 5th block. To be eligible, students can not have missed more than 6 days of school or have any discipline incidents higher than a detention during this semester . This class will be FREE for students on their 4th Dual Enrollment grant. If you are interested, please fill out the form on your google classroom. Please contact Mrs. Ray for more information: Jenniferray@dcchoctaws.net
Yearbooks are still on sale for $75. You can order before school or at break in the concession stand; you can also order online at yearbookforever.com. For any questions, please contact the Yearbook Sponsor, Mr. Hooper: danielhooper@dcchoctaws.net
Any junior or senior student that is not currently taking a Dual Enrollment course through DSCC, but are planning to take a Dual Enrollment course next spring need to see Mrs. Willa McCall asap to fill out an application. For any questions, please contact: WillaMcCall@dcchoctaws.net
Seniors: If you have not had your senior meeting with Ms. Natalie in Guidance, please make an appointment in your Class of 2019 Google Classroom. Please remember to get permission from your teacher. For any questions, please contact Natalie Medling: nataliemedling@dcchoctaws.net
Boy’s Soccer conditioning will begin November 13th, 14th, and 15th from 3:30-5pm. Students must bring a current sports physical in order to participate. For any questions, please contact Coach Williams: Codywilliams@dcchoctaws.net
Any student interested in taking AP Computer Science Principles next semester needs to stop by the the Guidance Office asap.
A reminder that the PBIS store is open in the library on Monday and Wednesday mornings and afternoons. Download the PBIS Student Rewards App to check your point balance and store inventory. If you haven't received your PBIS ID card please see your 1st period teacher, they can report needed cards to the library.
Dyer County High School, let’s be our best and do our best every day!

Daily Announcements
November 6, 2018
Congratulations to the DCHS JROTC Rifle team for placing 1st at the New Madrid Seismic Zone Rifle Conference. Good luck to them as they compete at the State Conference today.
There will be a mandatory Service Club meeting after school in the Commons. Please see a club sponsor for missed information! For more information, please contact Hilary Norrid or Mrs. Wright: Hilarynorrid@dcchoctaws.net laurawright@dcchoctaws.net
We will have a representative from TCAT-Newbern visit DCHS today to help seniors apply to TCAT. The representative will be set up in the library all day to answer any questions from interested students.
PINS club will be meeting after school Thursday in room 1015 to finish painting boxes and shooting a video. All members who have been working on both projects need to attend. For more information, please contact Todd Ross: Toddross@dcchoctaws.net
ASVAB testing has been postponed. The make-up date will be announced at a later time. Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors interested in taking the ASVAB can continue to sign up in the Guidance Office. This test is a great resource for students that are interested in measuring their developed abilities while also predicting future academic and occupational success. For any questions, please contact the JROTC instructors: NickeyCantrell@dcchoctaws.net or jameslacy@dcchoctaws.net
A representative from UT-Knoxville will be here Thursday, November 8th during lunch to answer any questions about the college-going process for any interested students.
Seniors: Dyersburg State is offering a “Learning How to Succeed” college course at DCHS in the spring semester during 1st block on Tuesdays and Thursdays. To be eligible, students can not have missed more than 6 days of school or have any discipline incidents higher than a detention during this semester . This class will be FREE for students that have NOT ALREADY used any Dual Enrollment funds. If you are interested, please fill out the form on your google classroom. This class will be filled on first come, first serve basis. Please contact Mrs. Jennifer Ray for more information: Jenniferray@dcchoctaws.net
Seniors: UTM will be offering a Psych 101 course at DCHS in the spring semester on Mondays and Wednesdays,during 5th block. To be eligible, students can not have missed more than 6 days of school or have any discipline incidents higher than a detention during this semester . This class will be FREE for students on their 4th Dual Enrollment grant. If you are interested, please fill out the form on your google classroom. Please contact Mrs. Ray for more information: Jenniferray@dcchoctaws.net
Yearbooks are still on sale for $75. You can order before school or at break in the concession stand; you can also order online at yearbookforever.com. For any questions, please contact the Yearbook Sponsor, Mr. Hooper: danielhooper@dcchoctaws.net
Any junior or senior student that is not currently taking a Dual Enrollment course through DSCC, but are planning to take a Dual Enrollment course next spring need to see Mrs. Willa McCall asap to fill out an application. For any questions, please contact: WillaMcCall@dcchoctaws.net
Seniors: If you have not had your senior meeting with Ms. Natalie in Guidance, please make an appointment in your Class of 2019 Google Classroom. Please remember to get permission from your teacher. For any questions, please contact Natalie Medling: nataliemedling@dcchoctaws.net
Boy’s Soccer conditioning will begin November 13th, 14th, and 15th from 3:30-5pm. Students must bring a current sports physical in order to participate. For any questions, please contact Coach Williams: Codywilliams@dcchoctaws.net
Any student interested in taking AP Computer Science Principles next semester needs to stop by the the Guidance Office asap.
A reminder that the PBIS store is open in the library on Monday and Wednesday mornings and afternoons. Download the PBIS Student Rewards App to check your point balance and store inventory. If you haven't received your PBIS ID card please see your 1st period teacher, they can report needed cards to the library.
Dyer County High School, let’s be our best and do our best every day!

Daily Announcements
November 5, 2018
All afternoon activities scheduled for 11/5/18 are canceled due to the possibility of severe weather conditions.
Congratulations to the Girls Cross Country team and Isabella Trasolini for finishing 13th in the Cross Country State competition!
School picture orders are due today!
There will be a mandatory Service Club meeting tomorrow after school in the Commons. Please see a club sponsor for missed information! For more information, please contact Hilary Norrid or Mrs. Wright: Hilarynorrid@dcchoctaws.net laurawright@dcchoctaws.net
We will have a representative from TCAT-Newbern visit DCHS tomorrow to help seniors apply to TCAT. The representative will be set up in the library all day to answer any questions from interested students.
PINS club will be meeting after school tomorrow in room 1015 to finish painting boxes and shooting a video. All members who have been working on both projects need to attend. For more information, please contact Todd Ross: Toddross@dcchoctaws.net
ASVAB testing has been postponed. The make-up date will be announced at a later time. Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors interested in taking the ASVAB can continue to sign up in the Guidance Office. This test is a great resource for students that are interested in measuring their developed abilities while also predicting future academic and occupational success. All students will go to first block class and then be dismissed to the Theater by the office. The test is proctored by the local Army Recruiters but the results could be used by any service, however students will not incur any obligation to serve. ASVAB results and interpretation will be available by early next semester. For any questions, please contact the JROTC instructors: NickeyCantrell@dcchoctaws.net or jameslacy@dcchoctaws.net
A representative from UT-Knoxville will be here Thursday, November 8th during lunch to answer any questions about the college-going process for any interested students.
Seniors: Dyersburg State is offering a “Learning How to Succeed” college course at DCHS in the spring semester during 1st block on Tuesdays and Thursdays. To be eligible, students can not have missed more than 6 days of school or have any discipline incidents higher than a detention during this semester . This class will be FREE for students that have NOT ALREADY used any Dual Enrollment funds. If you are interested, please fill out the form on your google classroom. This class will be filled on first come, first serve basis. Please contact Mrs. Jennifer Ray for more information: Jenniferray@dcchoctaws.net
Seniors: UTM will be offering a Psych 101 course at DCHS in the spring semester on Mondays and Wednesdays,during 5th block. To be eligible, students can not have missed more than 6 days of school or have any discipline incidents higher than a detention during this semester . This class will be FREE for students on their 4th Dual Enrollment grant. If you are interested, please fill out the form on your google classroom. Please contact Mrs. Ray for more information: Jenniferray@dcchoctaws.net
Yearbooks are still on sale. You can order before school or at break in the concession stand; you can also order online at yearbookforever.com. For any questions, please contact the Yearbook Sponsor, Mr. Hooper: danielhooper@dcchoctaws.net
Any junior or senior student that is not currently taking a Dual Enrollment course through DSCC, but are planning to take a Dual Enrollment course next spring need to see Mrs. Willa McCall asap to fill out an application. For any questions, please contact: WillaMcCall@dcchoctaws.net
Seniors: If you have not had your senior meeting with Ms. Natalie in Guidance, please make an appointment in your Class of 2019 Google Classroom. Please remember to get permission from your teacher. For any questions, please contact Natalie Medling: nataliemedling@dcchoctaws.net
Boy’s Soccer conditioning will begin November 13th, 14th, and 15th from 3:30-5pm. Students must bring a current sports physical in order to participate. For any questions, please contact Coach Williams: Codywilliams@dcchoctaws.net
Any student interested in taking AP Computer Science Principles next semester needs to stop by the the Guidance Office asap.
A reminder that the PBIS store is open in the library on Monday and Wednesday mornings and afternoons. Download the PBIS Student Rewards App to check your point balance and store inventory. If you haven't received your PBIS ID card please see your 1st period teacher, they can report needed cards to the library.
Dyer County High School, let’s be our best and do our best every day!

PBIS October Students of the Month

Daily Announcements
November 2, 2018
Today is the last day to register for the December ACT test. Students must register online @ actstudent.org. Students, if you think you qualify for an ACT voucher please see Ms. Natalie in the Guidance Office. For any questions, please contact: nataliemedling@dcchoctaws.net
Reminder: School picture orders are due on Monday!
Congratulations to Isabella Trasolini and Cayden Stafford for being selected as Wendy’s Heisman High School Finalists! Cayden was also selected to move on to the next level of the competition, qualifying as a State Finalist! The Wendy’s High School Heisman program selects the nation’s most esteemed high school seniors who share Wendy’s values of giving back to their communities, treating people with respect, continuing education and excelling on the athletic field. We are very proud of Isabella and Cayden and would like to wish Cayden good luck in the next round of competition!
There will be a mandatory Service club meeting Tuesday, November 6th after school in the commons. Please see a club sponsor for missed information! For more information, please contact Hilary Norrid or Mrs. Wright: Hilarynorrid@dcchoctaws.net laurawright@dcchoctaws.net
We will have a representative from TCAT-Newbern visit DCHS on Tuesday, November 6th to help seniors to apply to TCAT. The representative will be set up in the library all day to answer any questions from interested students.
ASVAB testing will be conducted on November 7th for Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors. This test is a great resource for students that are interested in measuring their developed abilities while also predicting future academic and occupational success. The sign up list is in the Guidance Office. All students will go to first block class and then be dismissed to the Theater by the office. The test is proctored by the local Army Recruiters but the results could be used by any service, however students will not incur any obligation to serve. ASVAB results and interpretation will be available by early next semester. For any questions, please contact the JROTC instructors: NickeyCantrell@dcchoctaws.net or jameslacy@dcchoctaws.net
A representative from UT-Knoxville will be here Thursday, November 8th during lunch to answer any questions about the college-going process for any interested students.
Seniors: Dyersburg State is offering a “Learning How to Succeed” college course at DCHS in the spring semester during 1st block on Tuesdays and Thursdays. To be eligible, students can not have missed more than 6 days of school or have any discipline incidents higher than a detention during this semester . This class will be FREE for students that have NOT ALREADY used any Dual Enrollment funds. If you are interested, please fill out the form on your google classroom. This class will be filled on first come, first serve basis. Please contact Mrs. Jennifer Ray for more information: Jenniferray@dcchoctaws.net
Seniors: UTM will be offering a Psych 101 course at DCHS in the spring semester on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays during 5th block. To be eligible, students can not have missed more than 6 days of school or have any discipline incidents higher than a detention during this semester . This class will be FREE for students on their 4th Dual Enrollment grant. If you are interested, please fill out the form on your google classroom. Please contact Mrs. Ray for more information: Jenniferray@dcchoctaws.net
Yearbooks are still on sale. You can order before school or at break in the concession stand; you can also order online at yearbookforever.com. For any questions, please contact the Yearbook Sponsor, Mr. Hooper: danielhooper@dcchoctaws.net
Any junior or senior student that is not currently taking a Dual Enrollment course through DSCC, but are planning to take a Dual Enrollment course next spring need to see Mrs. Willa McCall asap to fill out an application. For any questions, please contact: WillaMcCall@dcchoctaws.net
Seniors: If you have not had your senior meeting with Ms. Natalie in Guidance, please make an appointment in your Class of 2019 Google Classroom. Please remember to get permission from your teacher. For any questions, please contact Natalie Medling: nataliemedling@dcchoctaws.net
Boy’s Soccer conditioning will begin November 13th, 14th, and 15th from 3:30-5pm. Students must bring a current sports physical in order to participate. For any questions, please contact Coach Williams: Codywilliams@dcchoctaws.net
Any student interested in taking AP Computer Science Principles next semester needs to stop by the the Guidance Office asap.
A reminder that the PBIS store is open in the library on Monday and Wednesday mornings and afternoons. Download the PBIS Student Rewards App to check your point balance and store inventory. If you haven't received your PBIS ID card please see your 1st period teacher, they can report needed cards to the library.
Dyer County High School, let’s be our best and do our best every day!

Congratulations to Isabella Trasolini and Cayden Stafford for being selected as Wendy’s Heisman High School Finalists! Cayden was also selected to move on to the next level of the competition, qualifying as a State Finalist! The Wendy’s High School Heisman program selects the nation’s most esteemed high school seniors who share Wendy’s values of giving back to their communities, treating people with respect, continuing education and excelling on the athletic field. We are very proud of Isabella and Cayden and would like to wish Cayden good luck in the next round of competition!

Daily Announcements
November 1, 2018
Congratulations to Isabella Trasolini and Cayden Stafford for being selected as Wendy’s Heisman High School Finalists! Cayden was also selected to move on to the next level of the competition, qualifying as a State Finalist! The Wendy’s High School Heisman program selects the nation’s most esteemed high school seniors who share Wendy’s values of giving back to their communities, treating people with respect, continuing education and excelling on the athletic field. We are very proud of Isabella and Cayden and would like to wish Cayden good luck in the next round of competition!
Dyersburg State is offering a “Learning How to Succeed” college course at DCHS in the spring semester during 1st block on Tuesdays and Thursdays. To be eligible, students can not have missed more than 6 days of school or have any discipline incidents higher than a detention during this semester . This class will be FREE for students that have NOT ALREADY used any Dual Enrollment funds. If you are interested, please fill out the form on your google classroom. This class will be filled on first come, first serve basis. Please contact Mrs. Jennifer Ray for any questions: Jenniferray@dcchoctaws.net
UTM will be offering a Psych 101 course at DCHS in the spring semester on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays during 5th block. To be eligible, students can not have missed more than 6 days of school or have any discipline incidents higher than a detention during this semester . This class will be FREE for students on their 4th Dual Enrollment grant. If you are interested, please fill out the form on your google classroom. Please contact Mrs. Ray for any questions: Jenniferray@dcchoctaws.net
ASVAB testing will be conducted on November 7th for Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors. This test is a great resource for students that are interested in measuring their developed abilities while also predicting future academic and occupational success. The sign up list is in the Guidance Office. All students will go to first block class and then be dismissed to the Theater by the office. The test will be proctored by the local Army Recruiters and the results are valid for any of the armed services; students will not incur any obligation to serve. ASVAB results and interpretation will be available by early next semester. For any questions, please contact the JROTC instructors: NickeyCantrell@dcchoctaws.net or jameslacy@dcchoctaws.net
There will be a mandatory Service club meeting Tuesday, November 6th after school in the commons. Please see a club sponsor for missed information! For more information, please contact Hilary Norrid or Mrs. Wright: Hilarynorrid@dcchoctaws.net, laurawright@dcchoctaws.net
Yearbooks are still on sale. You can order before school or at break in the concession stand; you can also order online at yearbookforever.com. For any questions, please contact the Yearbook Sponsor, Mr. Hooper: danielhooper@dcchoctaws.net
Any junior or senior student that is not currently taking a Dual Enrollment course through DSCC, but are planning to take a Dual Enrollment course next spring need to see Mrs. Willa McCall asap to fill out an application. For any questions, please contact: WillaMcCall@dcchoctaws.net
Seniors: If you have not had your senior meeting with Ms. Natalie in Guidance, please make an appointment in your Class of 2019 Google Classroom. Please remember to get permission from your teacher. For any questions, please contact Natalie Medling: nataliemedling@dcchoctaws.net
Boy’s Soccer conditioning will begin November 13th, 14th, and 15th from 3:30-5pm. Students must bring a current sports physical in order to participate. For any questions, please contact Coach Williams: Codywilliams@dcchoctaws.net
Any student interested in taking AP Computer Science Principles next semester needs to stop by the the Guidance Office asap.
A reminder that the PBIS store is open in the library on Monday and Wednesday mornings and afternoons. Download the PBIS Student Rewards App to check your point balance and store inventory. If you haven't received your PBIS ID card please see your 1st period teacher, they can report needed cards to the library.
Dyer County High School, let’s be our best and do our best every day!

Daily Announcements
October 31, 2018
Congratulations to the October Students of the Month: Ali Adams, Lynn Davis, Emily Enoch, Chloe Eskew, Kaleb Hall, John Hensley, Ethan Lamb, Logan Palmer, Hunter Ramsey, Emma Robbins, Chelsea Rogers, and Kiyana Taylor!
Deadline to order school pictures is November 5th. For any questions, please contact the Yearbook Sponsor, Mr. Hooper: danielhooper@dcchoctaws.net
Today is the last day to order yearbooks for $65. The price will then go up to $75 starting November 1st. You can order before school or at break in the concession stand; you can also order online at yearbookforever.com. For any questions, please contact the Yearbook Sponsor, Mr. Hooper: danielhooper@dcchoctaws.net
Any junior or senior student that is not currently taking a Dual Enrollment course through DSCC, but are planning to take a Dual Enrollment course next spring need to see Mrs. Willa McCall asap to fill out an application. For any questions, please contact: WillaMcCall@dcchoctaws.net
Seniors: If you have not had your senior meeting with Ms. Natalie in Guidance, please make an appointment in your Class of 2019 Google Classroom. Please remember to get permission from your teacher. For any questions, please contact Natalie Medling: nataliemedling@dcchoctaws.net
Boy’s Soccer conditioning will begin November 13th, 14th, and 15th from 3:30-5pm. Students must bring a current sports physical in order to participate. For any questions, please contact Coach Williams: Codywilliams@dcchoctaws.net
Any student interested in taking AP Computer Science Principles next semester needs to stop by the the Guidance Office asap.
A reminder that the PBIS store is open in the library on Monday and Wednesday mornings and afternoons. Download the PBIS Student Rewards App to check your point balance and store inventory. If you haven't received your PBIS ID card please see your 1st period teacher, they can report needed cards to the library.
Dyer County High School, let’s be our best and do our best every day!

Daily Announcements
October 30, 2018
Deadline to order school pictures is November 5th. For any questions, please contact the Yearbook Sponsor, Mr. Hooper: danielhooper@dcchoctaws.net
Yearbook price is $65 if ordered before the end of the month. The price will go up to $75 then. You can order before school or at break in the concession stand; you can also order online at yearbookforever.com. For any questions, please contact the Yearbook Sponsor, Mr. Hooper: danielhooper@dcchoctaws.net
Any junior or senior student that is not currently taking a Dual Enrollment course through DSCC, but are planning to take a Dual Enrollment course next spring need to see Mrs. Willa McCall asap to fill out an application. For any questions, please contact: WillaMcCall@dcchoctaws.net
Seniors: If you have not had your senior meeting with Ms. Natalie in Guidance, please make an appointment in your Class of 2019 Google Classroom. Please remember to get permission from your teacher. For any questions, please contact Natalie Medling: nataliemedling@dcchoctaws.net
Boy’s Soccer conditioning will begin November 13th, 14th, and 15th from 3:30-5pm. Students must bring a current sports physical in order to participate. For any questions, please contact Coach Williams: Codywilliams@dcchoctaws.net
Any student interested in taking AP Computer Science Principles next semester needs to stop by the the Guidance Office asap.
A reminder that the PBIS store is open in the library on Monday and Wednesday mornings and afternoons. Download the PBIS Student Rewards App to check your point balance and store inventory. If you haven't received your PBIS ID card please see your 1st period teacher, they can report needed cards to the library.
Dyer County High School, let’s be our best and do our best every day!

Every point matters.
Retake the ACT® in December.
Graduation is right around the corner. As you approach your final semester, challenge yourself to reach your full potential. Start by taking the ACT again.
57% of students who took the ACT more than once increased their scores.
By taking the ACT on December 8, you can:
Include your new scores on college applications before most admissions deadlines
Improve your scores and increase your chances of securing more scholarship money and financial aid funding
Predict college and career readiness using ACT benchmarks
Register by November 2 to avoid late fees!
IMPORTANT NOTICE! Students who take the December ACT can order a Test Information Release (TIR) to get a list of their answers, a copy of the multiple-choice test questions, and the answer key. Don’t let your child miss the opportunity to review their test and learn from their mistakes. TIR is only available in December, April, and June.
© 2018 ACT, Inc. All rights reserved.
500 ACT Drive, Iowa City, IA 52243
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Have a question or need help?
Contact us.
Nancy Medling
School Counselor
Dyer County High School